Hockey 101 and 201

Intro to Hockey

It is required to complete learn to skate class (pre-alpha) before entering into our intro to hockey program. Click here for information on the Learn to Skate classes.

Intro to Hockey is broken up into three levels (see below) and will place kids accordingly based on age, skill and hockey background. This program introduces new hockey players to the basic fundamentals of hockey including, proper skating techniques, puck control, shooting and passing techniques, and everything in between!

All levels incorporate hockey skills with motor, physical, mental and social skills in a positive environment on and off the ice. This program builds self-esteem, confidence, promotes good sportsmanship and fair play while instilling love and passion for the game of hockey!

Youth & Adult Hockey – Specialty Classes

1. Goalie Training
a. Goalies of all ages and skill levels can enjoy this class!
b. Goalie Training requires full equipment
i. New youth goalies looking to try out the goalie position are able to borrow goalie equipment for the 45 minute class! Please see front desk/Ryan Cronin (Youth Hockey Director) for more details

2. Youth Skills & Drills (FULL EQUIPMENT)

– Prerequisite: Must pass the Intro to Hockey program and/or already be playing in the Mites/Rec League at TGH Ice Plex

– Designed for rec players 14 and under and/or travel players 12 and under looking for extra ice time to improve their hockey skills

3. Adult 101 (FULL EQUIPMENT)

– Designed for new adults (18+) trying hockey for the first time and/or adults currently playing in a Beginner level adult league

– Beginner level 15, 16 and 17 year olds may also join this class


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